Friday, September 14, 2012

Catheters are the pits.

So yesterday I had my fallopian tubes tested. It was painful. I don't know what kind of details I should write down but I want to remember my experiences, all of them. I went in and it started just like the vaginal ultrasound I had the day before but I was in a room with a giant x-ray machine. She put a couple tubes including a catheter into my uterus and then cranked in some dye. I thought I was going to die. I've never felt pain like that. Pinching, cramping, blah! There is good reason why I wasn't blessed with a normal period with cramping and all its glory. I don't think I could handle the pain. But anyways, she put in the dye and then they took x-rays over and over, like every 2 seconds, until the dye emptied out of my fallopian tubes. Don't you worry... the dye flowed right on through. All was well. Kind of. Although my fallopian tubes were open and fine, Dr. Conway noticed that I had some lumps along my uterus that looked concerning. However, she wanted to give me a week or so just in case in it was leftovers for my period which I started on the 9th. My period had been really light so she wasn't concerned to do the fallopian tube test at the time. So, next week I'm going in for a water ultrasound. An ultrasound where she'll put the catheter back in...ugh...fill my uterus with saline. From that ultrasound she'll be able to tell if those clumps are still there and if they are polyps. Polyps are cell deposits that gather. If my uterus does have polyps growing then she'll go in and scrape the inside of my uterus so it's smooth again. So that should be fun...

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