Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our first appointment at Utah Fertility Center was the big today. We met with our doctor and are feeling great about how things went. Dr. Conway is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. We met in her office, she reviewed our medical file beforehand so she asked us some questions just to confirm what was in the file and to get to know us better. Then she opened our file and went over it with us. Every test. Every treatment so far. No one has ever gone through our medical file or even say anything beyond, "Yep, it looks good." In fact, each time we had a test we were the ones that had to call for the results. It was so great to go through that file and have her tell us straight up what was going on. For the first time we felt involved and educated about our situation.
After we reviewed our file she said told us that the only thing that we pretty much hadn't done in regards to testing was had my fallopian tubes checked. So, we booked the appointment for next week. The next thing we did was have an ultrasound. It went well...never had a vaginal ultrasound..that was weird. Everything looked alright so after the fallopian tube test we'll know more.
Dr. Conway then walked through our options. She said that Clomid was no longer an option because of our experience and the simple fact that we didn't want to do it anymore. Next option is Fermara, which is a series of pills you take and then add it with some shots, suppositories, and timed intercourse. Fermara forces your body to mature eggs and open follicles. So, if it does work we can try it for a couple months and then if it we don't get pregnant naturally (of course with the help of the Fermara) the next option is IUI (insemination). Next would be Folsom shots which forces me to release my eggs. Dr. Conway recommended that from her standpoint, medically, that we shouldn't go with the shots. She said, "Because you have so many eggs, you'll be on the news but not in a good way." Then after that it is IVF or adoption.
The best thing about all of this is that Dr. Conway is keeping on the same page as her. She wants us to know everything we can about our situation and then make the decision that we feel works best for us. She'll give us her input and perspective but ultimately it is our choice. I'm so grateful we've ended up here. I know we've only had one appointment and last time I felt really good about our doctor but this time is different. It's exactly where we're supposed to be.

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